Hay ciertas personas en Internet que afirman falsamente ser representantes (o “scouts”) de UNIKO Models. Si alguien se pone en contacto contigo, avisa inmediatamente a tus padres y/o a un adulto responsable. Ten en cuenta que nunca solicitamos fotos o videos de desnudos o en lencería, y nunca solicitamos ningún pago monetario. Si alguien se comunica contigo y dice ser representante de UNIKO Models, no respondas sin antes verificar su identidad. Llámanos de inmediato o envía un correo electrónico al enlace de contacto en nuestro sitio web y estaremos encantados de ayudarte. Nuestro correo electrónico es info@unikomodels.com


Legal Notice



This website is the property of UNIKO MODEL AGENCY, SL with Tax Identification Number B-65942518, registered in the Mercantile Registry of Barcelona, with the use of the trade names Uniko Models and Un1ko Models (hereinafter UNIKO), owner of the website www.unikomodels.com, regulates the use of the portal service Internet “www.unikomodels.com”, which is available to Internet users. 

The use of the portal and the reading of the general conditions subsequently exposed, implies for the user their full and express acceptance, assuming their full responsibility for the total or partial breach of the provisions of the general and particular clauses that are exposed and of the legal and / or judicial actions that may be derived as a consequence of this infraction. For this reason, the user must read each and every one of the provisions herein, as well as the successive modifications that are introduced both in the general conditions of use, and in the specific and particular conditions that are added, which will be of application, and that the user can see through their access to the portal.

UNIKO, on the other hand, undertakes to inform users, by means of notifications or indicating it on the date of the version, all those modifications, changes or inclusion of new clauses that are incorporated. UNIKO reserves the right to modify the legal notice and the conditions of use, in order to adapt them to the current legislation applicable at all times, the latest jurisprudential and usual market practices.
These general conditions of use do not exclude the possibility that certain portal services, due to their particular characteristics, may also be subject to specific conditions of use, which, in any case, may be consulted by the user before its activation.




UNIKO may expand its portal to new services, activities or content, in order to improve the benefits and quality of the service provided. In return, UNIKO reserves the right to also cancel, modify, replace or restrict the contents, services or activities, expressly and without notice to users.  




3.1 Use of the portal

The user acknowledges and accepts that the use of the contents and / or services offered by the portal will be at their sole risk and / or responsibility.

The user agrees to use the portal and the services in accordance with the law, with the general conditions, the particular conditions of certain services and other notices, regulations of use and instructions made known to him, as well as with morality and generally accepted good customs and public order. Likewise, they undertake to make appropriate use of the services and / or contents of the portal and not to use them to carry out illicit activities or activities that constitute a crime, that violate the rights of third parties and / or that infringe the regulations on industrial and intellectual property, or any other norms of the applicable legal order.

The user agrees not to introduce or disseminate on the portal, viruses or harmful systems that may cause damage to UNIKO’s computer systems, its clients, third parties or third-party users, as well as not to introduce hyperlinks that allow access to the pages. portal website and services without due consent.

The user agrees and undertakes not to take any action that undermines the credit of UNIKO or third parties. 


3.2 User acceptance 

The use of the Portal implies the full and unreserved acceptance of each and every one of the provisions included in this Legal Notice. In consequence You should carefully read this Legal Notice each of the occasions on which intends to use the Portal, since it may be modified.

By the mere use of the portal and the reading of the general conditions, and in its case of the particular ones, the user agrees to accept without reservation all the conditions, assuming his responsibility as a consequence of an inappropriate, irresponsible or negligent use of the portal and its contents, and, assuming, the consequences and responsibilities against any legal or judicial action that is interposed as a result of its actions.

UNIKO reserves the right to modify the conditions of use of the Website, it is your obligation to periodically review these conditions.

These general conditions of use do not exclude the possibility that certain portal services, due to their particular characteristics, may also be subject to specific conditions of use, which, in any case, may be consulted by you before their activation.

You agree to not to introduce programs, viruses, macros, applets, ActiveX controls or any other logical device or sequence of characters that cause or are likely to cause any type of alteration in the computer systems UNIKO or third parties. 




4.1. Correct operation and continued availability

UNIKO will not be responsible for failures in the operation of the portal, as well as for interruption, delays, slowness, loss or disconnection in communications and in the transmission of messages. UNIKO does not guarantee nor is it responsible for the continuous, constant and uninterrupted operation and operation of the portal.


4.2. Liability for damage to the user

UNIKO will not be responsible, indirectly or subsidiarily, for damages of any nature caused to the user as a result of the presence of viruses or other elements in the contents and services of the portal that may cause alterations in the user’s computer system. Neither will it be responsible for the damages that are caused to the user by faults and errors in access, connections, transmissions, interruption without just cause of the service, by intrusions, computer viruses, massive advertising shipments or when the aforementioned causes are due to situations unrelated to the portal, such as defects in the user’s computer, deficiency in its connection, internal viruses in the user’s computer, slowness and problems in the user’s communications with telephone operators, or when they are due to causes of force majeure.


4.3. Responsibility for content

UNIKO does not guarantee the quality, accuracy or reliability of the data, programs, information or opinions, whatever the origin, that may circulate on the portal. The user assumes, under his sole responsibility, the consequences, damages or actions that may derive from access to said content.


4.4. Liability for links

UNIKO will not be liable, indirectly or subsidiarily, for damages of any nature caused to the user as a result of their connection to other pages and portals that UNIKO exhibits on the portal as links. The user assumes under his own responsibility the damages that may happen to him as a consequence of the connection and visualization of the mentioned portals. 


4.5. Liability for third parties

UNIKO will also not be responsible as a consequence of the acts carried out by third parties outside the system, which, in breach of security measures, carry out acts against users such as the sending of computer viruses, mass advertising or spam, commercial emails, interruption of the service and access to messages.

UNIKO, undertakes and ensures that it has adopted all the technical, organizational and legal measures for the security of communications, both in terms of secure connections and in terms of protection of personal data. What UNIKO cannot assure or guarantee, and thus, disclaims any responsibility, is the total invulnerability of its security system and the inviolability of communications. The disclaimer will prevail, as long as UNIKO proves that it was unaware of these computer viruses or actions by third parties, or even knowing them, it acted with due diligence to remove data, prevent access, eliminate viruses in computer files. or having reported this situation to the competent authorities.

UNIKO will also not be liable for damages that may occur due to force majeure, fortuitous or not attributable to the company. Nor is it responsible for the inadequate operation of the portal for reasons beyond its competence, such as, but not limited to, malfunctioning of telephone operators, poor configuration of the user’s computer or the insufficient capacity of the user’s computer system to support the content and length of the information displayed on the portal. However, UNIKO, undertakes to use the utmost diligence to resolve technical problems, correct them or help the user to solve them. 




The contents, elements and information that the user can access through the Portal are subject and protected by the Industrial and Intellectual Property regulations, including brands, trade names, legends, graphics, photographs, logos, patents and copyright, which belong exclusively to UNIKO, and are protected by national, community and international legislation on Industrial Property.

The user agrees not to delete, modify, plagiarize or alter any distinctive sign, brand, trade name, legend, graphic or logo. The user accepts that access to the portal and its contents does not grant him any rights over his property, nor for its alteration or modification, nor for its exploitation, misappropriation, commercialization, or to carry out any act of denigration, confusion , use of reputation, or any act of unfair competition that infringes the industrial property rights and other rights contemplated by the legal system and the applicable legislation of UNIKO or third parties that are advertised on the portal.

In relation to the contents, designs, drawings, photographs and illustrations of the portal, they belong exclusively to UNIKO and are protected by applicable national and international legislation. The user acknowledges that UNIKO’s intellectual property rights are protected by the regulations established for Intellectual Property. The user acknowledges that they are not assigned any of the rights established herein and undertakes not to exploit, reproduce, publicly communicate, distribute, decompile or use the images for their own benefit or that of others. Any action contrary to these rights, will be the responsibility of the user, being the only responsible towards third parties and will respond to any legal or judicial actions that are initiated for their breach.

In this way, the user agrees to use this information exclusively for his own needs, consultation or assistance and not to carry out, directly or indirectly, any commercial exploitation of the services, content, photographs or any another action that affects the industrial or intellectual property rights of its owner or third parties, or companies that are displayed or advertised on the portal. The user is also obliged not to suggest or incite third parties or third-party competitors of both UNIKO and third-party companies that advertise on the portal, to carry out actions prohibited by law or acts of unfair competition that prevent the positioning of the company, that generate confusion, association, produce a discredit in the image, brand or commercial name, of contempt or comparative acts in order to hinder the implantation, development and correct evolution of UNIKO and third parties in commerce. Neither will it use the distinctive signs, to carry out commercial actions, for its own benefit or that of others. The user will refrain from carrying out acts that violate morality, public order or good customs, as well as acts that violate dignity, honor, image, personal or family privacy, or that are illegal or attempt against morality and good customs.
The responsibility for actions prohibited or contrary to the law, will be exclusively of the user, committing to leave UNIKO harmless, against any judicial or extrajudicial action that is carried out as a consequence of its acts. The user undertakes and is responsible for carrying out its compliance and extending it to all those persons authorized by the user to make use of their restricted access to the portal. 




UNIKO, and does not apply to links or web pages of third parties accessible through the web page.

UNIKO offers the u sers links or links in order to facilitate access to information, services and other content available on the Internet. The links set up on this Web site may lead to the u ser to other sites and web pages operated by third parties over which UNIKO exercises no control.

UNIKO does not assume any duty to monitor or verify the information or content of the other websites that can be accessed through the hyperlinks on the Website. Only assumes the duty to suppress the Website as soon as possible, the information, content or services that do not correspond to reality, or likely to mislead or cause harm to the u ser.

No link to the UNIKO website may be established from any other website without the express written consent of UNIKO .




You can join the profiles that UNIKO has on the different social networks. By becoming a fan of any of these profiles, you accept the terms of use and privacy policy of the corresponding social network. 




You can send UNIKO your personal data through the different forms that are incorporated for this purpose on the website. These forms will incorporate a legal text on the protection of personal data that complies with the requirements established in the current regulations on data protection.

Likewise, UNIKO has the corresponding Privacy Policy on this published website. Read UNIKO’s Privacy Policy , as well as any legal texts that may exist, before providing your personal data.




9.1. Modifications

UNIKO reserves the right at any time to make the modifications it deems appropriate on the portal, organizing, deleting or adding content or data. The aforementioned modifications will be carried out unilaterally and without prior notice. In relation to the general and particular conditions, UNIKO reserves the right to modify, alter and / or write new clauses depending on the new activities or services to which it is expanding or to adapt to new regulations and legislation that arise. Said modifications will only be compulsory as of their entry into force and will be applicable to the user at the same time the portal is accessed. 


9.2. Suspension of service

UNIKO reserves the right to suspend the service unilaterally and without notice, or to deny access to the portal, temporarily or indefinitely, to any user who fails to comply with these general or specific conditions, or who carries out illegal acts, illegal and contrary to law, public order and good customs.




The provision of the portal services and its operation is, in principle, indefinite. However, UNIKO may temporarily suspend the service or terminate it permanently, at any time or moment. 




All issues related to the Portal are governed in each and every one of its clauses by Spanish Law and are subject to the jurisdiction of the Courts and Tribunals of Barcelona.
The parties, with express waiver of their own jurisdiction, accept as governing legislation of this contract in case of controversy about the interpretation or execution of these clauses, the Spanish legislation, and submit to the resolution of any disputes that may arise from it. to the Courts and Tribunals of Barcelona.




You can contact the UNIKO team at the following email, info@unikomodels.com